Schedule and
Previous weeks
Here you'll find ALL of the content we have created in a nice orderly fashion.
Feel free to look through the weeks to see which topics are interesting to you!

Week 14
Resilience Interventions and Outcomes
How can we increase resilience and what does it affect (mental health, physical health, coping,etc.)
Week 13
General Overview of Resilience
What is resilience and what are the different paths of resilience?
Week 12
Does mindfulness decrease depressive symptoms?
Week 11
Social Support and Hypertension In Asian Americans
Does social support relate to hypertension in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans
Week 10
Social Support
Does social support lower the chance fo future depression and anxiety
Week 9
Expressive Writing
Does it help reduce symptoms of depression in first-year college students?
Week 8
Breast Cancer
What words are well-adjusted couples using while coping with breast cancer?